28 February 2010

Making The Most of Free Education

I'm taking advantage of two six week courses currently being held at my local Comprehensive School. One course is to help parents / grandparents / carers help their children with homework.

Methods have changed so radically since I went to school that it's already apparent I'm no help at all to my granddaughter if she asks me questions about maths for example. If I try to show her how I would tackle a problem I just confuse her because she doesn't understand the way I try to work things out. I've just had one lesson so far and it's been a real eye-opener. There's terms such as Mode, Mean, and Median that are totally new to me - so it's good I've made a start but I've got a lot of catching up to do..!!

The other free course I'm looking forward to begins next week and it's about making the most of my digital camera. I'm hoping to be instructed and inspired to improve the quality of photos I take. Watch this space for some improving pics...!!

Both these courses are taking place literally on my doorstep. One takes place during the day, the other is an evening course. But, isn't it great that they're absolutely free - for anyone, of any ability. I'll update this post as the weeks progress to let you know how I get along.

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