Poems by Trish

Teddy on the edge
Northern Exposure
Northern Exposure

Winter - what weather!
What whirling white
Whispering wonderland
What whipping wind
Waging war - wicked!

Immediately I imagine ice
Incredible icebergs.
Ice-maidens in igloos
Inviting informal insulation.
Invigorating intoxication.

Nose on nose, nuzzling
Not icy now. Nestling naked
Nurtured and nourished.
Normal northern Noel.
Nothing nicer!

Togetherness, touching toes
Taking the time
To tantalize and titillate
Telling a tender tale
Thinking tempting thoughts

Eskimo ecstasy.
Exposure escaped
Enclosed entwining
Every evening
Extremely enjoyable entertainment

Rested and relaxed
Reclined and refreshed
Re-heated and ready to resume
Reindeer round up around this
Remote refrigerated region

Bear on the Brink (or Teddy on the Edge..)
He stood on the edge
and stared into space
A teddy on tip-toe
all fur pads and grace

He flapped his arms up
and flapped his arms down
So high on the ledge
of a tower block in town

A bear on elastic
what child’s game is this?
To launch the bear off
This high precipice

She’s a strange little kid
this youngster indoors
To harness him up
with straps on his paws

He’d have to be brave
to dare take the dive
The first bear to jump
and bounce back alive

But for her he will be
the first bear to jump
To bungie like mad
without making a bump

Love has given him faith
in her judgement and skill
And he’s feeling quite brave
on the high window sill

The elastic is ready
She watches him go
Head first and plunging
Yo-yo, Yo-yo !
Daisy on the lawn
I'm just a little daisy
Watching all the fuss
Hob nobs at the table
Servants in a rush
I'm just a little daisy
Waiting in the grass
Soon they'll all be romping
Stomping on my ass
This is my creative time
favourite and favoured
early morning, dawn
that easy drowsy stirring time
as something new begins
quiet and misty, faintly secret
not fully developed
yet full of promise

I ponder, facing a North-East east
gazing towards a hazy horizon
that distant line, softly smudged
as a painter might
blur soft grey light
of cool sky into dew-moist field-green
where skyline meets earth
and a promise of brightness touches
familiar earthly reality

A faint breeze stirs, wafts
carrying bird-song and small sounds
as slender branches bend, bud-laden
waiting for their moment
when spring warmth will burn through
to rest on each folded leaf, clenched like a fragile fist
just as my mind waits, anticipating, receptive
ready to open
Family ties

Family Ties
I am a daughter to two
And a sister to one.
I am a niece and a cousin
I am an aunt.
I was a granddaughter to three
But time passes.
And so do family ties, naturally.

I became a girlfriend, then a wife.
A daughter-in-law
And a sister-in-law to two.
Then, a pregnant wife.
Now I am a mother, whatever happens
I am a mother
Some attachments are permanent.

I was a 'joint' parent for a while
Now I am a 'single-parent'
And a divorcee.
I will never be a widow
I am no longer a daughter-in-law
I am a sister-in-law to one only.
Some ties are un-knotted, to ease the strain.

I was a mother-of-the-radiant-bride.
I am a mother-in-law.
Now I am waiting to be a grandmother
One day, perhaps
If everything goes to test-tube plan.
This next attachment must be planned.
Sometimes the loose-ends will not meet unaided.

These are my family ties
And I am bound by them all, inescapably.
To each, I am what I am -
But who I am to each is relative
And depends upon perspective
Which changes and is changing.
Some bonds wear and fray, as time passes.

There will be heartbreak ahead.
Family ties will be wrenched away
And I must learn to cope
With what it is to be ..............?
What is the status?
Of being without parents in middle-age.
What will I be without their love, binding?

I will be a mother.
Always and always a mother
There is no name
For a parent who loses a child.
I will be a sister to one
And a sister-in-law, an aunt and a cousin.

For a little while longer -
I will be me,
I will be my family

Fear of white coats (1)
Fear of white coats (1)
The men in white
are coming now
I can’t escape -
no-way, no-how

It could mean teeth
or skin or bone
It could mean blood
Leave me alone!

It could mean hair
or nails or gums
It could mean mad
Get out the guns

My number’s up
No giving in
Don’t think I’ll go
Without screaming

Fear of white coats (2)

Your fear is quite unjustified

If you always stick to the plan

And eat nothing fatty or fried

Enjoying fruit and veg and bran

Boiled rice is nice and full of starch
 Pasta’s packed with carbohydrate
There’s lots to drink if you are parched
Water will help you re-hydrate

The men in white just want to know

Is your weight going up or down

If you’ve been good you’ll feel so proud

If you’ve been bad you’ll feel a clown

The shame and humiliation

May seem a torture of the mind

But here at “Pigs Anonymous”

We are just being kind

“Get off those shoes and stand on here!”

“This sniveling will have to stop”

“Do as you’re told while we all sneer”

“If your weight is up - you’re for the chop!”

Northern Exposure

Against the Grain
You all came together, a caring rabble
Stamping and marching
Crushing lush land
With striding boots, heavy steps
Snapping dead wood under foot

You came together and were probably the best
There are many others less thoughtful
Who would maliciously stamp about
Just to spoil and break
And make some hard impact

At least you all came to admire and truly see
This preserved place
Something for you to view as it was
And still remains although you change
Because you have to progress

You came to see the absolute beauty of the wood
Shimmering clean, bright, sharp, light
Fused with softly, shaded, dark shadows
Forming natural patterns which fall
Onto the surface of every eye

Each image slips like silk through each blinking retina
Like a drifting, falling leaf
And comes to rest on a single frame of memory
Waiting to be developed
To be re-lived, re-remembered, re-called.

What is it that you see as you walk
And clamber and climb over this patch of ground
How far can your eye travel into the distance
Is your sight limited, halted
By boundaries of substance and time

As you look into the wood for life and loveliness
Can you feel your roots begin the stir
An inner squirming and writhing
An unsettling and disturbing fascination
As nerves alert half dead senses to listen, smell, touch.

But you dare not linger in the wood for long
Stirring that part of you which is untamed
Repressed instincts which made you what you were, in the past
Seem too savage now to be acknowledged in reality
You have become civilised, modern.

You come here now to look for pleasant reminders
But you cannot deny
That when you see beautiful dappled sunlight
It can only be so because of dark shadows.
Every bright star has a dark side, hidden from view.

sugar free
Sugar Free
He wanted to control this tasty woman
But he was feeble, weak, stupid
Although he didn't think he was stupid
He thought he was sharp and tangy
And had a God given right to possess and devour her

She loved him in the beginning, hungry for life
Was tempted by the treats he offered
His appetite appeared to be the same as hers
But the feast he promised to provide
Was never to be more than mere survival rations

He occasionally handed her little delicacies
The way an evil adult may offer sweets
To a child he doesn't like - or likes too much
In order to disarm by charm
Whilst towering above waiting to bite and swallow up

At times he offered her sweetmeats of kind words
Praising or flattering phrases
Which made her feel temporally satisfied
And guilty for not considering him generous
But slowly a pattern of conditioning began to emerge

Verbal punishment always followed nourishment
A reminder that the sweets were offered
By a hand that might strike and crush
Unless pity made him offer another treat
To a now hollow and hungry wife

He treated her as if she were a child
And enjoyed the role of cruel confectioner uncle
Allowing her a lick now and again
Of sugar candy when she was flavour of the month
But of course it was all humbug

He was too cowardly to offer his sweets
To any experienced gourmet
Who would immediately reject the syrup
Knowing it to be too sweet
And the cause of inevitable decay

But she was kept starved and licked the honey
Until she became sickened
When he followed each succulent slurp
With bitter scorn and sour contempt
Dishing up mockery and half-baked sarcasm

She began to realise he had power over her
Because she desired the promised sugar
And if she could ignore her craving for sweetness
By accepting there was no real substance to it
She would be free to savour other flavours

So she began to reject the sugar altogether
And replaced the need for something sweet
With substitute tastes
Gradually introducing small portions of independence
Seasoned with essence of self confidence

She expected there would be an after taste
But there was none
Only a clean sensation in her mouth
As she brushed away the film of dependence
And rinsed away cloying repression

Her life gradually became a banquet
Rich in wonderful new flavours
Ripe, round, and succulent, delicious tastes
Where honey, syrup and sugar could be sampled without fear
Because he was banished from her table

Powerless he became a bitter man
Turning rancid as he slowly putrefied
Rotting away because she no longer needed him to feed her
He was reduced to a stale, tasteless morsel
Pushed away with total disinterest and disdain

His sugary simpers had no effect on her
Although he said she could not survive without him to sustain her
His sour, bitter words sounded thin and watery
As he tried to serve vengeance to an empty place
His words simply dissolved in tasteless slop

Today she sits at another table
Enjoying a wonderfully varied menu of sensual delicacies
Tasting exotic flavours until intoxicated with pleasure
Without the fear of his dependence-poison
Life has become truly satisfying