09 February 2010

Learning how to survive on next to nothing..... and have a good life

I'm in the process of learning how to survive on next to nothing whilst still having a life, an interesting life and a reasonably comfortable one...! So far so good, but it's early days and it wouldn't take much to shake the foundations of my fragile world and for the walls to come tumbling down. So... I thought it might be interesting to record how I cope with life on a daily basis, resolve problems, face new challenges, get out and about, improve my level of fitness, embark on new adventures and have some fun time.... all on a basic State Pension. I think there'll be some challenging times as I try to juggle soot.... ski uphill in a bucket.... play ping-pong in a wind tunnel.... ! I'd love to exchange ideas with others in a similar position... perhaps we have valuable tips we can give one another.... lets see where this post leads... (the picture shows what's left of a tiny hamlet called Riseburn, which consisted of 41 houses and a 'tin' chapel, near Middridge. My Great Grandparents lived there and my paternal Grandfather was born there in 1892, one of eight children. The hamlet was demolished in the 1940s except for this one building which was left for a farm worker - part of it was converted into a pig sty).

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